Geniousloci Press undertakes all printing related assignment, we guarantee competitive rates along with excellent & quality product
We believe in treating our customer with respect & faith, we integrate honesty, integrity & business ethics into all aspect of our business functioning
Delighted customers are key to our success & westrive to achieve this key every second Printing is our passion & hence no matter what your print need is, Geniousloci Press has most effective print solutions
At GeniusLoci we believe in providing our clients promotional ideas, that ensure their brand reaches far and effectively. We offer a wide array of promotional in equally variepating options of design, colors, sizes etc. Perfected ion the best production facility.
We believe a client logo on our product is like placing trust and therefore, believe in providing equality products at competitive price and above all on time
Irrespective of the problems faced by the printing industry we do not let it affect our commitment or delivery schedule as we have very strong tie-up with processing units in and outside the country and are always give priority.
Bizhub PRESS C7000
A high-speed color production printer for various print jobs, superb quality, and finish.
Key Features
bizhub PRESS C7000 delivers sharp, rich, digitally, mastered image quality. Its clear dry ink station impacts document — running at rated speed. Its automated color quality suits to tools allow us to drive more high-quality jobs through our shop and reduce costs.

HEIDELBERG Speed Master Offset Machine
With the Speedmaster machines Heidelberg offers the most comprehensive product portfolio within the sheetfed segment. For every demand you find the tailored solution for your needs. From the attractive fitted Speedmaster SM & CD models to the speedmaster SX & CX product range to the peak performance class, from the small to the very large format machines
Speedmaster machines deliver unbeatable productivity. They provide you with the performance you need to be able to react flexibly, cost-effectively and innovatively to the daily changing requirements – now and in the future.
Canon IP 1135 Monocrome DIGITAL B & W PRESS
High sDeea b&w Droduction Drinter for a Monocrome print jobs, Supers quality and finish
Print Output
- B&W Print 1200 dD B&W Xerox 1200 dDi, scanning 600dDi, automatic sorting & stapling
- A4 & A3 Size Drint & comes
- Training Manuals
- Variable Data printing
- Tracing Print
- Transparent films etc
- Machine Features
Printouts — 135 prints ver minute (1200doi) CoDying — 135 coDies per minute (1200dpi) Scanning — 135 pages per minute (600dpi) Automatic back to back facility (DuDlex) Automatic sorting & stapling

The DR — 9080 is designed to take on your toughest workload and reliably handles suggested daily duty cycle of up to 22,500 scan a day
Scan Output
- A4 black & white scanning
- A4 Color scanning
- Count only
Machine Features
High speed color scanning —75 ppm to 200 & 300 dpi B & W scanning 75 page Per minute
Color scanning 50 pages per minutes Ultrasonic double feed detection Save as searchable PDF (OCR)
Robust — Duty cycle 22,500 scan / day Staple detection, count only